Privacy & Security Policy


Amsterdam Airport Taxi is committed to ensuring that your personal details are treated with respect. We don't store credit card or any financial information.

How do you protect my information ?

We only use your information in order to fulfill our obligations to you and for administration purposes. We will only disclose sufficient information to our Licenced Suppliers and Sub-contractors in order that they can arrange the service requested. We will never sell or disclose your information to a 3rd party except where required by law.

We use a top-of-the-rage security certificate from Thawte in order to protect your credit card and personal details. Our staff only have access to the information that is required to do their job.

What type of information do you collect ?

Any information that you submit into a form may be collected and stored by the web or database server in order to improve our operations and to arrange the best possible service. In common with most websites, we automatically collect certain information about your computer in order to analyse how our customers use our website. This information includes your IP address and the details of your web browser. Email and communications with the site are archived until no longer required.

Do you use cookies ?

Yes. Cookies are required in order to arrange interactive functionality such as logging in and preparing quotes. What information do you send me? Emails keeping you informed on the progress of your booking.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding how we use your information, please contact our control centre on 020 3006 6550

Blogs Pages

Mastering the Art of London Airport Transfers: A Comprehensive Review

Blog about Mastering the Art of London Airport Transfers: A Comprehensive Review...

Exploring the Convenience of London Airport Transfers

Blog about Exploring the Convenience of London Airport Transfers...

A Deep Dive into the World of London Airport Transfers

Blog about A Deep Dive into the World of London Airport Transfers...

London Airport Transfers: A Synonym for Comfort and Efficiency

Blog about London Airport Transfers: A Synonym for Comfort and Efficiency...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the distance between Dover and (Cambridge) in miles?

Ans. The distance is 119.7 miles.

Q. Do you provide a big car or coaches?

Ans. Yes, we provided big cars and coaches according to the customer's requirement.

Q. Do you provide the service for just picking up luggage?

Ans. Yes, we provide the service for just picking up luggage.

Q. Do you provide a discount to customers who arrive by train?

Ans. Yes, we do this for our customers.

Q. Do you provide airport services?

Ans. Yes, we do provide airport services.

Q. Do you provide a return service?

Ans. Yes, provides we provide the return service.

Q. Do you provide 24/7 customer service?

Ans. We provide 24/7 customer service.

Our Clients Testimonials

Thanking them

I am peter I thank them for their best services.
star star star star star

No overspeeding

The drivers never did over speeding even if you are in hurry.
star star star star star

Luxurious cabs

I was amazed when saw their cabs from inside. Their cabs are well furnished.
star star star star star

knowledgeable drivers

My driver for today (Alice) was INCREDIBLE. Her knowledge of the city and history was top shelf!
star star star star star

Birthday party

I’m Alderson Our driver was a wonderful buddy who assisted me in planning all the surprises for my wife's birthday. He has a wonderful sense of humor and is a very kind man.
star star star star star

Wheelchair service for handicapped

I’m Sarah my grandmother is unable to walk properly. I’m glad they provide a wheelchair for her.
star star star star star

Impressive service

I’m Noah from London.  I’m very much impressed with their services.
star star star star star

Hospitable drivers

Their drivers are so hospitable.
star star star star star

School function

I’m Liam I book their cab while going to my school function. Their services are the best.
star star star star star

Comfortable rides

Yesterday I was going to the liver pool museum.  I enjoyed their ride. It was very comfortable.
star star star star star

Special seat for toddlers

I appreciate the Amsterdam Airport Taxi for arranging special seats for toddlers. I was going to the hospital for my baby’s appointment.
star star star star star

Reliable service

They are providing reliable services in London city.
star star star star star

Fantastic trip

I am john I had an Excellent journey to and from the airport. Drivers who speak courteous, kind, and English. a timely arrival. wouldn't work with any other company.
star star star star star

Quick service

The Amsterdam Airport Taxi provides quick services to the customers. They are punctual in their time.
star star star star star

Wait for the customers

One day I was a bit late so the driver was waiting for me outside my home.
star star star star star

Using GPS

I observed one thing about their drivers. During my ride, they were using GPS which seems that their drivers are professional.
star star star star star

Visiting my best friend

I William book their cabs and the driver get me to my friend, home in a short period.
star star star star star

Large space

Two days back I attended my friend’s marriage ceremony along with my family. The cab has a large space inside hence; we all were comfortable.
star star star star star

prompt service

 Everything went without a hitch! Extremely prompt service, pleasant drivers, and quick customer service that responded to my inquiries regarding return travel. Bookings here are highly recommended, and I'll probably do it again in the future.
star star star star star

Helpful drivers

One day I was going to Gatwick Airport. The driver helped me in carrying my luggage.
star star star star star